Category Archives: problem patrons

Quick Post (I Promise) – Updates and Staff Safety in Public Libraries

Hello minions…er, readers,

I’m going to make this short and sweet. Some quick updates and one quick topic for you to digest.

First, updates:

  1. I’ll be giving a presentation at the upcoming June New Jersey Library Association Conference in Atlantic City. I’ll be giving a presentation with another librarian, Kate Vasilik of the Piscataway Public Library, who has been doing some pretty sweet programming and projects over there! Our talk will be “Programming for the 20s/30s Crowd”, which is an elusive patron group for public libraries.  I’ve got lots of ideas and I think a pretty good amount of experience in this field. More details coming soon, which I’ll post as I put things together. I can give you at least one tip right now that will be included: food and food based programs AND/OR alcohol = young people attending.
  2. It looks like I’ve agreed to become the Vice President for the NJLA Reference Section. This also means that by default I will become the President on the Reference Section next year – yerp! Mostly, I think it involves planning the Adult Services Forum event as well as sponsoring programs for the NJLA conference. Could be a bit of lifting, but also a good opportunity. Special thanks to the current President Nick Van Dorn for offering this opportunity for me 🙂
  3. The long march of contract negotiations continue with no end in sight….
  4. I’m about to launch a staff recommendations blog for my library. Several staff members are involved in the project and we’ll be posting weekly entries on different genres and materials that can be found in library and the BCCLS (Bergen County Cooperative Library System), of which HPL is a member. I’d like to have the blog focus on unique items and genres that people may not normally know about. I put together a quick, simple blog on WordPress, which I think works just fine. I also created policies for use and guidelines for staff concerning social media and the blog – YAWN…are you still awake after that last sentence?? While it hasn’t officially launched yet, here’s a quick sneak peak at the initial article I wrote for the blog. Also, while its not posted yet, one of my awesome colleagues at work wrote a sweet article on various films. Totally looking forward to seeing what she has to write in the future! 🙂

Ok! Updates out of the way. Now, here’s Bill Murray on the cover of GQ recently!


Also, Grateful Dead live in England 1972 Cumberland Blues – Nice! Go listen to it now!


Finally, I’m reading Planetary from Warren Ellis right now, who’s  created/written for some other series comic series like Transmetropolitan and Hellblazer.



Moving forward. Today’s brief topic: Safety in libraries.

This is certainly something that I feel is a big topic that does not get almost any mention in library journals and publications. Most people have a few of a library as a quaint, quiet place of study, reading and reflection. If you are forward thinking, you might also see the library as an education and community center with tools, classes, programs and a variety of technological resources.  However, if you frequent a local library that’s located in a urban area, you also might think of a library as place where quite a variety of people frequent, which includes people who are homeless, suffer from mental illness, suffer from addiction, or people who are overly aggressive or violent. This is an unfortunate, but true reality of urban public libraries. Now, this topic certainly deserves a much bigger and researched post, which I will probably do in the near future.

There have been a few very good articles written on this subject in the past by librarians, but unfortunately too infrequently and with no follow-up, community wide research taking place. In public libraries we are often confronted with all of the aforementioned groups of people. At first you want to try and help, as any decent person should want to do I would think. However, you quickly realize that all around you nationally and locally there is a very broken system concerning mental health, poverty and drug rehabilitation. Any local agencies or charities you reach out too inform you that they are doing the best the can (and often are), but that funding and manpower is just not there to tackle such an immense problem. So even if you want to partner with local assistance organizations and/or bring them into the library, often this is simply not possible or only effective in a small way – the group can be present in the library, but there are still many barriers for those who need help actually receiving it or asking for it.

However, there are other aspects to this than simply trying to offer help to those who need it. Unfortunately, you also quickly run into issues where certain patrons can cause other patrons to be disturbed and not be able to enjoy the library. Further, often there are encounters with patrons that range from annoying to very disruptive to downright threatening/violent. Here’s just a few things I encountered/witnessed at my library:

  • staff being followed outside of work by aggressive patrons
  • patrons screaming at staff (or other patrons) and threatening them
  • Variety of intoxicated patrons stumbling, sleeping, yelling, arguing, getting sick, etc, etc.
  • public masturbation and viewing pornography on library computers

The list goes on.

We’ve had a very prolonged ‘battle’ so to speak as to how to deal with situations like this. Much of the time the library tried to ignore the problem and basically hope that it would go away and incidents would be isolated. Of course, this is not the case. After months and even years of arguing and serious incidents I spearheaded an effort to at least create new policies with actual consequences for patrons who violated our rules – which could include permanent banning from the library. A few years ago I might have tried to avoid all out bans for patrons, but now I fully supported and proposed this provision. I feel like there needs to be actual consequences for patrons as short term bans or even calling the police can have varied and largely ineffectual results. Even this solution is really not a solution, just an attempt to provide at least some modicum of protection for staff and other patrons.

I don’t have an answer to this one. I need to do some research, talk to some other librarians, etc. I feel like with what seems like a rise in random violence in public places, libraries could be especially vulnerable targets. We have some security in the building, but really its limited as its basically a couple of people who have t-shirts that say security but nothing else and no real authority. I’m also of a mindset that arming people in libraries (or any public place, or well, anywhere) is not really a solution and will cause more problems. That’s another debate though.

With a systemic broken system for mental health and poverty I don’t know if there can really be a solution without fixing those two things. If that’s the case, then none of the causes of the problem can really be addressed by libraries. So what to do – best strategies for providing the best possible safety and minimization of problematic situations? Sounds good – just what exactly ARE those best practices?? Turns out- there’s a webinar from ALA on library safety. Perhaps either my colleague or myself can attend. Will they have some solutions? Maybe. But perhaps most important for right now – librarians and library publications should be TALKING about this subject. I can tell you that working with the NJ Ref section I will push for at least a discussion of this topic.

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Filed under Policy, problem patrons, public library

Public Service Fatigue

Today’s post might be a subject that contributed to the naming of this blog, at least partially haha.

Today was another day at work which finished with a feeling of that might be described as public service fatigue. This is a subject that has been covered somewhat in our field, though I don’t know if I’ve really come across a full solutions. First, let me explain what I mean by public service fatigue. Here I am specifically referring to working a public library service desk, specifically a reference/technology desk in an urban library setting. I do have a good amount of the positive interactions that you would imagine in library school: resume assistance, student research, genealogy help and LOTS of technical assistance. I enjoy these interactions, however I’ve felt recently like my enthusiasm for even these types of questions has been problematic of late. I believe this is likely due to a few factors specific to my work environment, including:

  • I do ALL my work from the public service desk, which includes organizing all adult programming, arranging/creating all computer/career workshop classes (I teach them later), operating all social media, strategic planning, linking/processing, loan processing, staff management, etc.
  • Juggling many tasks at once from the public service desk

Worker fatigue, cheesy stock photo style!

However, I believe the biggest challenge I face to my enthusiasm is my interactions with a variety of patrons that cause problems with other patrons or staff. These problems come in so many forms and are a such a constant, everyday presence of my work environment that not only do they often absorb significant amounts of my time, but I believe also saps my enthusiasm for all interactions with the public. I’m sure many of you know this problem well, though this is NOT something that is a subject that you are really prepared for in library school. I believe this to be a glaring omission of librarian higher education (among many).

To give you a better image of the situation, here are just SOME of the interactions or situations that are part of my daily work environment:

  • Stopping patrons from knowingly breaking various library rules put in place to make the environment a better place for all: playing music/videos very loudly, talking on cell phones, trying to bypass public computer timing software, crowding people around a single computer, etc. Most of these infractions revolve around using the public computers
  • Patrons watching pornography on public computers (there are no screen guards and children frequent the area, so we have banned pornography at the library) – this has happened several dozen times in the past several months only. I’ve had to re-write library rules and sanctions to try and deal with this problem, which has resulted in several patrons being banned permanently and others for long periods of time from computer access
  • Unfortunately, there have also been patrons who have taken watching pornography on public computers to ‘the next level’ – I won’t spell it out. This has happened more than once
  • drunken or intoxicated patrons who may or may not be belligerent, aggressive, loud, potentially dangerous or otherwise very disturbing to patrons/staff
  • mentally unstable patrons – many times we’ve had patrons who are mentally unstable or incoherent and present significant problems when thinking about their rights, but then also the rights and safety of other patrons and staff
  • Potentially dangerous patrons – we’ve had a number of patrons who have directly threatened staff verbally or physically, staff who have been stalked and harassed outside of work, staff who have been sexually harassed while at work, and many more situations (bomb threats, etc).
  • Generally belligerent patrons who are disruptive and insulting to staff

I’m sorry to paint a detailed picture like that, but these are all things that are a significant portion of my work environment and take up significant amounts of my professional time either through have to deal with each situation as it arises, having to work with security on patron sanctions or working with administration on drafting new rules to improve the library environment. Again, this is not a subject that I feel has been broached enough in library schools and professional research. I find that much of the scholarly material in our field (but not all of course) have some of the following traits:

  • research is conducted in and meant for academic library settings
  • research focuses on ‘next trend’ subjects that show only positive potentials and are often not realistic for many tight budgeted, understaffed public libraries

With that said, there IS significant research on staff well-being and creating a positive work environment in library management and business/general management publications. I plan on perhaps doing an analysis and maybe putting a paper together combining this research with perhaps an individual case study.

Anyway, the point: it bothers me that I’m now not doing my best with general patrons after having been drained with the issues of various problem patrons. I also really got into the field largely because of its role in public service, community assistance and community ties. I work hard to produce programs, collaborate with community organizations and create education opportunities for various people within the community. I was the first to stand up and defend the rights of all to use the library and encouraged other staff to do their best to absorb the trials of problem patrons and instead try to realize the conditions of their life and environment and use the library to create opportunities for them.

While I still feel like I try to do this, my patience and sympathy for problem patrons has lost of lot of ground recently, and that has bothered me. I’ve spent more time recently coming up with new rules and sanctions to prevent bad/disruptive/dangerous behavior than I have on creating programs or services that provide opportunity. I think that part of the problem here is that I have tried to reach out with these services that have seldom been used by the people who could use them the most. Our location is near two shelters and we receive many people from both locations every day. Over the last few years, I spent time identifying needs the library may be able to help with with these populations (computer training, career workshops, etc). I put together monthly computer classes and career workshops that I teach and collaborated with the shelters’ administrations and even gave presentations at the shelters to encourage use of our services. Rarely has anyone actually taken up these opportunities. I knew that this was a long shot of course, its sometimes the hardest thing to reach out for help when in need. However, the general lack of use of these services by problem patrons has worked against my enthusiasm here.

So how are libraries suppose to work with needy patrons who very often can come with an assortment of different challenges that effect staff and other patrons, including mental illness, drug abuse, aggressive behaviors or worse. I recently re-read an article I came across in library school that laid out the picture pretty well by a librarian at the time from the Salt Lake City Library: What They Didn’t Teach Us in Library School by Chip Ward. Here is a link to that fascinating case study of the librarian’s challenges working in an urban setting:

So let’s break down possible responses for libraries to these kinds of situations:

  1. You can crack down, create new rules and stiff enforcement. This may cut down on incidents, but there’s the problem of denying your service to those who might need them the most. Further, there are questions of whether the library should even restrict access in any way to patrons in most situations
  2. You can engage the problem and try to forge solutions. This is often a huge challenge and one that various social service groups in your area are already tackling and are likely overwhelmed and underfunded.
  3. A combination of both of the aforementioned
  4. Ignore the problems

I believe our library has actually engaged in some of all of the above. Initially I did some community analysis, gatekeeper interviews and created programs and services in collaboration with community groups to try and better meet the needs of this needy group.

Solutions I’ve tried:

1) creating weekly computer basics/intermediate classes

2) monthly career workshops including writing resumes, cover letters, online job searching, etc.

3) One on one sessions with individual patrons

Other things I could try:

  • aggressive efforts to really share services and partner with community service organizations
  • have social workers visit the library on a regular basis to provide counseling
  • provide more programs on basic needs topics (jobs, health care, personal finance, education, etc.) and aggressively target this group

Results of efforts:

  1. Low usage of these services by the target group
  2. One-on-one sessions were the most effective, but hugely time consuming on staff and classes were adopted instead
  3. Disruptive behaviors continued and even intensified (not suggesting this is a causal result, just happened)

Next Step: Sanctions and Rules

  • After perhaps two years disruptive, abusive and even dangerous behaviors were becoming out of control so I worked to help draft new rules and sanctions that I pulled from sampling other library policies in NJ and by evaluating our goals.
  • New rules were created as well as clear sanctions for rule violations to create clear punishment for rule violations, to protect staff from dangerous patrons and to protect staff in their decision making in these types of situations from potentially negative review from administration.


  • intense level of problem patron behaviors dropped slightly after several patrons were banned or had their privileges limited.
  • Rule enforcement has taken up more staff time
  • likely trust levels have fallen between needy and/or problem patrons and staff

Finally, in many individual cases staff will tend to ignore smaller rule infractions when possible as they have simply deemed that trying to enforce the rules are not worth it. This decision has been reached as a result of experience with patrons not stopping the behaviors, administration coming down on them for decisions made and the resulting combined stress.

So…what do to?? I’m sure the research I will look into will make many organizational/staff environment recommendations. Just browsing some of the literature (and from my knowledge of management practices), here’s a couple of organizational ‘solutions’ that could be adopted:

  1. design on/off desk time for all staff and enforce
  2. rotate staff in different departments
  3. create reasonable goals and objectives for staff and with reasonable workloads
  4. desk coverage to include more than one staff at all times so all staff have backup
  5. create well structured and trained staff procedures
  6. try to engage all staff in more decision making and team forged solutions on these issues
  7. create fun activities and rewards for staff instead of just all work all the time
  8. staff physical health options  – staff yoga, exercise, etc.

I”m sure there are many others. However, I feel as if those are general workplace style solutions that do not address this specific public librarian fatigue issue. Note: this specific situation may have an added component of a friction between staff and administration. Staff believes that administration does not have the staff’s safety/well being as a top concern and feels like they have not been backed up when making decisions in these tense and difficult situations.

In the end, is the best we can do a combinational approach as I mentioned previously? Try to work with community groups and create services/programs to help this group while at the same time enforcing rules to maintain stable work environment? Well, this flawed approach may be the best possible when working with problem patrons and needy patrons. However, what about the librarians? How can we better deal with this fatigue of which I speak? I’m not sure a solution of a choice of will to simply put on a positive perspective is a realistic solution. I’d like to come up with some a combination of practical organizational, personal, administrative and professional options to create the best environment AND personal/professional perspective to work in such an environment. This is the challenge that I will need to begin researching and working with. How about you, readers? What are your experiences? What are your suggestions? How do YOU feel in your currently work environment? Do you deal with any of these situations? If you are actually still reading this 🙂 then let me know what you think!

Final thoughts: Solutions right now:

  • better manage my workload and scale down
  • create off-desk time for all staff to have time off-desk to work
  • Designate a technical services desk and reference desk – have designated staff for each desk and separate duties to make better workflow
  • move reference desk away from computer area (where most infractions occur) – not physically possible at our library, and really not a good solution most likely
  • work hard to create better comradery within the department – create fun events at work away from the desk, rewards/recognition for employees who have done well, etc. Though, this might be hard not actually running the department…
  • better connect with local social services organizations and create fresh solutions/partnerships
  • maintain level of sanctions/rules
  • * management issues/trust: well, I’m the union representative currently negotiating contracts, so working on it 🙂

Whew! That was a waaay too long post. Sorry. If you are still reading, THANK YOU and GREAT JOB! Let me know your thoughts!

PS – here is a funny photo:

“Non-professional” solution to librarian fatigue??

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Filed under Policy, problem patrons